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Your Website Done in a Day Class


Stymied by Analysis Paralysis? Confused by all the website options? Concerned you aren't tech-savvy enough to do this yourself?

learn how easy building your own website is

untangle the confusing web of technical jargon

 understand how having your own website can take you to the next level.   

build your website right in class with me guiding the whole way

**Join in person or virtually through Google Hangouts**


Anyone who does not already have an existing website.

Anyone who is responsible for the face of, or marketing of their business. 

Anyone in need of establishing a web presence without all the complex needs of a large business. 

*Initially, this class is designed for therapists and includes some of their specific needs, however, it can easily be modified to fit your personal needs. 


What pages are essential building blocks for your business

A foundational knowledge of websites and their parts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to use it

Simple integration of some social media sites

How to sell products(s) or services online



How it Works:

The website I help you create is powered through Squarespace. I am not affiliated with, nor do I receive compensations from, Squarespace.  Frankly, I just think Squarespace is the best I have used.  This website uses Squarespace. I have created other websites through different hosts and services and wanted to bang my head on the desk and pull my hair out. I cried frustrated tears and wasted HOURS of my valuable time, to be sure!  

Your initial investment in the website you will build on Saturday is only the $49 registration fee. There is no money due to Squarespace when you build your site. They offer a full 30 days for you to learn, customize, tweak, and use your website. Thereafter, if you decide you love this whole website thing then you can sign on with them. There is a $10/month plan and a $20/month plan. You can get a discount if you pay for the whole year all at once.  There are no add-ons to pay for to have a fully functioning site (unlike with Wordpress and others). There may be a few that you might find helpful to add once your business gets busier but that's about it.  I have the $20/month plan and pay and additional $10/month for an email auto campaigner (I only use that for my coaching business). That's it!

In order to make sure that we get your website up and functional in one day, there are some things that you need to prepare ahead of time. Click here and you can print it out to help you prepare. Nothing too intense; just things like getting a dedicated email for website communications, uploading any pictures onto your computer that you need; things like that. 

During class we will spend some time getting familiar with important website lingo and components. Then the creation will commence! My goal is for you to create at least these pages in class (if time allows, I have optional ones that you might consider): 

  1. Home page

  2. About Us/Biography

  3. Services offered

  4. Products/shopping cart

  5. Blog page

Who's ready to roll with the ever-changing tide of our world and create an online presence?



Click to download for class:

Website in a Day Class Prep List