Metaphysical Psychotherapy

Mind Body Soul Spirit

I am a huge lover of the word OPTIMIZE. It means to make the best or most use of a situation, opportunity or resource.

We all experience times of transition in our lives, when we change from one thing to another, be it a location, life partner, health circumstance, It is in these times that our brains and emotions are primed to accept change. Take advantage of this by adding what you want to your life instead of resigning yourself to what you think life has dealt you.

All too often, we turn to destructive ways of soothing ourselves during these times. Ways like overeating, drinking to excess, overshopping, getting involved in dramatic relationships, smoking, isolating. Fill in the blank. You can learn to tolerate the distress that you experience and soothe yourself in non-destructive ways.



Common times of stressful transition include:

  • Divorce
  • Marriage
  • Moving
  • New baby
  • Empty nest
  • Collegiate Graduation
  • Death of a loved one
  • Coming out
  • Medical Crisis

these times are tough! Stop beating yourself up. There is a way to change what may seem like an upheaval in your life into the best thing that ever happened to you.

You have factors that make your story unique from everyone else’s. 


Watching someone else easily swim through a life transition like yours (divorce, empty nest, etc.)  while you are slogging through may lead you to question your strength and further degrade yourself for struggling with what you are going through.

Surprisingly, your response to a stressful transition has nothing to do with your strength. It is about discovering the personal well of power that we all have hidden inside of us. 

Look -  we don’t normally have access to this in our everyday lives, but it is there in times of trouble. For some people, it’s just harder to find and use. That's what therapy is for.

Working through your issues with a knowledgeable therapist in an atmosphere free from the shame and the blame game may be just what you need.

Let's schedule time for us to talk. Let's get you to the best possible you that you can be. 

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