Warrior Woman Coaching

As women we share a special connection to all things feminine, and yet we are living in a predominantly masculine energy. This sure can lead to some confusion and burn out! We are meant for something more than chasing the clock and a never ending to-do list. Below are 3 programs that I offer as self study. If you are interested in specific coaching for your unique set of circumstances, I offer individualized coaching. Just contact me and let me know what's up!


Divine Feminine Primer

This is a live web class. Over 4 weeks we experience each phase of the Divine Feminine and how we can get in touch with each archetype within ourselves. 

Maiden, Red Woman, Mother, Crone

Upcoming start dates are:

February 6-27, 2019

Wednesdays at 7pm Pacific. 



Warrior WOman Series

This 9 part program helps you channel your inner warrior woman to kick start the life you want.

Get empowered to handle the everyday stuff called life
Learn fascinating ideas about why it is important for you to be fulfilled
Learn clever skills to get what you want out of life
Each week we explore a different aspect of your inner warrior


Optimize Your Life Program

Ready to act on the change that you want in your life?

This 4 part series shows you how to go from overwhelmed woman to powerful woman.

If you want to make the most of your resources and live this life to the fullest then this program is for you.

FINALLY end procrastination and take the action you have wanted for so long.

Follow this link to check out my Youtube channel where I talk about different Goddesses and how you can harness them in your life in practical ways. 

Individualized Coaching

“Prices are for regular sessions. Some packages have special pricing. See specific package for details. Pricing is subject to change based on Office Policy and Procedures.
— ...


Individualized Coaching Session:  $143 (60 minutes)

Extended Initial Coaching Session: $290 (2 hrs)

Monthly Individualized Coaching Package: $572 (4 sessions)

I accept debit or credit cards at the time of booking your appointment and prior to each successive session. For your convenience, you can set up to be autobilled.  Zelle and Stripe are preferred transaction services. You may pay for coaching sessions online, before sessions or according to one of the selected payment plans. Click here to be choose your package and payment options.