Women's Power Hour

Thursdays 6:30pm-7:30pm


This is an ongoing group with no start or end dates. The focus of this group is to share our experiences as women. Life balance, self-care, and empowerment are frequent session topics. For the most part, this is a "processing" group. There is usually no homework but there might be occasional techniques to try between sessions. It is a place to come together with like-minded women who support each other and offer the unique nurturing that other women give.  Take 1 hour out of 112 awake hours for yourself. We’d love to have you!


Common Topics:

  • Family issues

  • Job stressors

  • Interpersonal conflicts (relationship drama)

  • Modern female concerns of the day

  • Astrological energies that might be influencing our moods

• 10 member maximum.
• 15 min. pre-screening chat required.
• Sessions are 60 minutes.
• Sessions delivered via teleconference.
• Group meets every Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm.

• Confidential
• Pyschoeducation, sharing, processing, uplifting
• Grab a non-alcoholic drink and curl up at home to learn and grow. 
• 4 session minimum


Payment Options

PER SESSION FEE: $60.  Payments will be made on the day of each session. 

INSURANCE: If your insurance carrier is contracted, billing will be done for you and copays/coinsurance is due at time of service. If your insurance is not contracted, full fee is due at time of service and a superbill will be provided for you to submit for possible reimbursement. Please see more at WHAT TO EXPECT



Prior to the first session, you will be sent a link to the video-conference. This is the same link that you will use for each session. Alternatively, join the session by logging into the Client Portal and choosing from your upcoming sessions. 


Participants are expected to attend sessions regularly. Life happens though, and I understand that. If you are registered for the group and cannot attend, please send me an email through your Client Portal to let me know. We all worry when you no-show! 

verified by Psychology Today