The Best Mother’s Day Gift – Quick, Cheap, and Major Feels

No, it’s not coupons for doing the dishes or making dinner. It’s so, so much better. It's usually free, can take as little as an hour for a simple version, or as long as an afternoon to make it more elaborate. You will score major brownie points and make your mom catapult you to "Perfect Child' status. 

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15 Reasons the Universe Validates My Career Choice

So I took it into my head to look at the numerology of my MFTi registration number (my license number given by the state). What I found was super encouraging and major validation for my chosen career. My registration number equals 9.  I read a long but incredibly detailed article about how the number 9 relates to me when I have my working hat on. It explains so much!

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Marriage Advice From 15 Celebrities in Happy Remarriages

These 15 celebrity couples were chosen because they have been married for more than 15 years to each other.

One or both were married before. Some had children from other relationships.

Some have endured divorce rumors, as well as other nasty threats to their marriages.

They are still together (or were until death) so they must be doing something right!

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Soccer Moms Make the Best Dungeons & Dragons Players

The stereotypical Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) player is a pimply-faced, teenage nerd playing in his mom’s basement with other pimply-faced nerds, right? 


Recently, groups of women in role-playing games (RPGs) have popped up around the country. We’re talking adult women, moms even, taking up the game. Me, even.

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